ThreeWave Importing Fixed Width Data Into Excel

This page describes code you can use to import fixed width fields from a text file into Excel.


Elsewhere on this site, we have code to import delimited text from a text file into Excel. This page describes VBA code that you can use to import a text file where the data fields are of a fixed length. Delimited data is when the text fields are separated by some character such as a comma and each field can be any length. Fixed field size data is when a field is defined to always have the same number of characters, regardless of the length of the data. The data is either truncated to make it shorted or padded to make it larger.The code on this page allows you to import fixed width data in to worksheet cells. Each line of the input file is transformed to a single row in the worksheet and the columns of that row are populated with data read from the text file.

For code to work with variable length delimited files, see Importing And Exporting Text.

To do the reverse, exporting Excel data to a fixed field length text file, see Exporting Fixed Width Files.

download You can download the bas module file with all the example code on this page.


Importing Fixed Width Data

The downloadable module file contain a function named ImportFixedWidth that will import fixed width data fields into Excel. The declaration of the function is:

    Function ImportFixedWidth(FileName As String, _
        StartCell As Range, _
        IgnoreBlankLines As Boolean, _
        SkipLinesBeginningWith As String, _
        ByVal FieldSpecs As String) As Long

The parameters are:

FileName. This is the name of the file from which the data will be read. The file must exist.

StartCell. This is the first (upper left) cell where the import will begin. Each line in the text file is written to one row in the worksheet, and each field of the imported line will be in its own column on the current line.

IgnoreBlankLines. If True, a blank row will not be created in the worksheet if there is an empty line in the input file. If False, a blank line will cause a blank row to be created in the worksheet.

SkipLinesBeginningWith. If this is not vbNullString, lines in the file that begin with this string will not be imported. This is useful if you have comments in the text file that are not to be imported to the worksheet

FieldSpecs. This string controls which columns and the length of data in those columns that are to be imported to the workbook. The string has the form:

each start element indicates the position in the line of the text file where the field import is to begin. Each length element indicates the length of the field to be imported. The fields in FieldSpecs may be in any order and may overlap. For example,


This FieldSpecs string instructs the procedure import text beginning at start position 1 for a length of 10. Then, import text starting at position 21 for a length of 3, and finally starting at position 15 for a length of 5. All start values are 1-based from the beginning of the record.

You can specify a number format for the field which will be applied to the worksheet cell. This format should not be in quotes and should follow the length elements in the FieldSpecs. Commas are allowed in the number format string, since the code is smart enough not to use them as delimiters. For example,

        2,8|9,3,@|12,8,dddd dd-mmm-yyyy
This specifies that no formatting will be applied to column 2, the Text (literal) @ format will be applied to column 9, and the format dddd dd-mmm-yyyy will be applied to column 12. Use of formatting strings is optional. Use of the @ code is often beneficial because it will prevent Excel from suppressing leading zeros in a string, converting values to dates, and preventing Excel from displaying very large numbers in exponential form. Numeric strings that have no numeric or mathematical meaning should format the cell with @. For example, it is meaningless to do math on phone numbers (What's the cube root of my phone number? Who cares?), so phone numbers should be formatted as text.

A note about date values... The code does not parse out date values from input strings. For example, the value 12152011 will NOT be converted to the date 15-December-2011 if you use a date format string in the FieldSpec for that element. Instead, it writes the value to the cell and formats the value with the date format. In this example, the cell will display ### values in the worksheet cell because the value 12,152,011 exceeds Excel's maximum date (31-December-9999 = 2,958,465). Remember that formatting strings are just that, formatting. They cannot parse data or otherwise transform data.

The function returns as its result the number of records imported if successful, or -1 if an error occurred.

The downloadable module also contains a Private function named ImportThisLine. This function is passed the current line from the text file and returns a Boolean value of True or False indicating whether the line is to be imported. You may put any logic in this function to determine whether the line should be imported. Usually, this function will simply return True with no other logic. The declaration of this function is:

Private Function ImportThisLine(S As String) As Boolean

Here, S is the current line of the text file but it has not yet been imported. You can examine that text line and determine whether to import it. To import the line, set the result of the function to True. To skip the line, set the result of the function to False.

This function is intended to be called by other VBA code, not in a worksheet cell or from the Macros dialog box. Therefore, you can create a simple VBA procedures that passes the parametres to ImportFixedWidth and runs the code. For example,

    Sub TestImport()
    Dim L As Long
    L = ImportFixedWidth(FileName:="C:\A\TestImport.txt", _
        StartCell:=Range("C3"), _
        IgnoreBlankLines:=False, _
        SkipLinesBeginningWith:=vbNullstring, _
    End Sub


The Code

    Function ImportFixedWidth(FileName As String, _
        StartCell As Range, _
        IgnoreBlankLines As Boolean, _
        SkipLinesBeginningWith As String, _
        ByVal FieldSpecs As String) As Long
' ImportFixedWidth
' By Chip Pearson,
' Date: 27-August-2011
' Compatible with 64-bit platforms.
' This function imports text from a fixed field width file.
' FileName is the name of the file to import. StartCell is
' the cell in which the import is to begin. IgnoreBlankLines
' indicates what to do with empty lines in the text file. If
' IgnoreBlankLines is False, an empty row will appear in the
' worksheet. If IgnoreBlankLines is True, no empty row will
' appear in the worksheet. SkipLinesBeginingWith indicates
' what character, if any, at the begining of the line indicates
' that the line should not be imported, such as fpr providing for
' comments within the text file. FieldSpecs indicates how to
' map the data into cells. It is a string of the format:
'           start,length|start,length|start,length...
' where each 'start' is the character position of the field
' in the text line and each 'length' is the length of the field.
' For example, if FieldSpecs is
'           1,8|9,3|12,5
' indicates the first field starting in position 1 for a
' length of 8, the second field starts in position 9 for a
' length of 3, and finally a field beginning in position 12
' for a length of 5. Fields can be in any order and may
' overlap.
' You can specify a number format for the field which will
' be applied to the worksheet cell. This format should not
' be in quotes and should follow the length element. For example,
'       2,8|9,3,@|12,8,dddd dd-mmm-yyyy
' This specifies that no formatting will be applied to column 2,
' the Text (literal) format will be applied to column 9, and
' the format 'dddd dd-mmm-yyyy' will be applied to column 12.
' The function calls ImportThisLine, which should return
' True to import the text from the file, or False to skip
' the current line.
' This function returns the number of records imported if
' successful or -1 if an error occurred.

    Dim FINdx As Long
    Dim C As Long
    Dim R As Range
    Dim FNum As Integer
    Dim S As String
    Dim RecCount As Long
    Dim FieldInfos() As String
    Dim FInfo() As String
    Dim N As Long
    Dim T As String
    Dim B As Boolean

    On Error Goto EndOfFunction:

    If Dir(FileName, vbNormal) = vbNullString Then
        ' file not found
        ImportFixedWidth = -1
        Exit Function
    End If
    If Len(FieldSpecs) < 3 Then
        ' invalid FieldSpecs
        ImportFixedWidth = -1
        Exit Function
    End If
    If StartCell Is Nothing Then
        ImportFixedWidth = -1
        Exit Function
    End If
    Set R = StartCell(1, 1)
    C = R.Column
    FNum = FreeFile
    Open FileName For Input Access Read As #FNum
    ' get rid of any spaces
    FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, Space(1), vbNullString)
    ' omit double pipes ||
    N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, "||", vbBinaryCompare)
    Do Until N = 0
        FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, "||", "|")
        N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, "||", vbBinaryCompare)
    ' omit double commas
    N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, ",,", vbBinaryCompare)
    Do Until N = 0
        FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, ",,", ",")
        N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, ",,", vbBinaryCompare)
    ' get rid of leading and trailing | characters, if necessary
    If StrComp(Left(FieldSpecs, 1), "|", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
        FieldSpecs = Mid(FieldSpecs, 2)
    End If
    If StrComp(Right(FieldSpecs, 1), "|", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
        FieldSpecs = Left(FieldSpecs, Len(FieldSpecs) - 1)
    End If
        ' read the file
        Line Input #FNum, S
        If SkipLinesBeginningWith <> vbNullString And _
                StrComp(Left(Trim(S), Len(SkipLinesBeginningWith)), _
                SkipLinesBeginningWith, vbTextCompare) Then
            If Len(S) = 0 Then
                If IgnoreBlankLines = False Then
                    Set R = R(2, 1)
                    ' do nothing
                End If
                ' allow code to change the FieldSpecs values
                If FieldSpecs = vbNullString Then
                    ' FieldSpecs is empty. Do nothing, don't import.
                    If ImportThisLine(S) = True Then
                        FieldInfos = Split(FieldSpecs, "|")
                        C = R.Column
                        For FINdx = LBound(FieldInfos) To UBound(FieldInfos)
                            FInfo = Split(FieldInfos(FINdx), ",")
                            R.EntireRow.Cells(1, C).Value = Mid(S, CLng(FInfo(0)), CLng(FInfo(1)))
                            C = C + 1
                        Next FINdx
                        RecCount = RecCount + 1
                    End If
                    Set R = R(2, 1)
                End If
            End If
            ' no skip first char
        End If
    Loop Until EOF(FNum)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        ImportFixedWidth = RecCount
        ImportFixedWidth = -1
    End If
    Close #FNum
End Function

The default version of ImportThisLine is shown below. It simply returns True to include the line in the import. You can rewrite the body of the formula according to your business rules to include or exclude the line from importation.

Private Function ImportThisLine(ByRef S As String) As Boolean
    ImportThisLine = True
End Function    

Since the parameter S is passed ByRef, the code in the ImportThisLine can modify the string to be imported. I don't recommend this, as it complicates the code, but it can be done if necessary.

download You can download the bas module file with all the example code on this page.
LastUpdate This page last updated: 2-Sept-2011.
