ThreeWave Exporting To Fixed Field Width Files

This page describes how to export data to fixed field length files.


Elsewhere on this site we discussed exporting worksheet data to a delmited file. This page describes how to export worksheet data to a text file with fixed-length fields. For the opposite of this action, importing fixed field length files to a worksheet, see Importing Fixed Width files.


Exporting To Fixed Length Files

The downloadable module file contains a function named ExportFixedWidth that will allow your code to export a range on a worksheet to a fixed field width text file. Each row of the worksheet data is written to one line of the text file. The contents of that line are governed by the FieldSpecs parameter, discussed below.

The declaration for the ExportFixedWidth function is as follows:

    Function ExportFixedWidth(FileName As String, _
            DataRange As Range, _
            Append As Boolean, _
            SkipEmptyRows As Boolean, _
            PadRight As Boolean, _
            ByVal PadChar As String, _
            ByVal FieldSpecs As String) As Long

The FileName parameter names the text file to which the data will be executed. The file need not exist. If it does not exist, it is created. If it does exist, it is either destroyed and replaced or data is added to the end of the file, leaving the original content in place. This is governed by the Append parameter.

The DataRange is the range on the worksheet to export. Each line in this range is exported to one line in the text file. DataRange must have only one Area. Multiple Areas are no supported.

The Append parameter indicates what to do if FileName already exists. if Append is True, the existing content of the file is preserved and new data is written to the end of the file. If Append is False, the existing file is destroyed and replaced with the new text output.

The SkipEmptyRows parameter governs what to do if an empty row is found in the data range. If this parameter is False, an empty line is written to the text file. If this parameter is True, no empty line is written out.

The PadRight parameter indicates how to pad the data field if the value in the Excel worksheet is shorter than the specified width in the FieldSpecs parameter, discussed below. If the value on the worksheet is too short, it is padded on either the left or right to fill out the field to the proper length. If PadRight is True, the data is padded on the right, left-justifying the final field. If PadRight is False, the data is padded on the left, right-justifying the final field.

The PadChar parameter specifies what character to use when padding a data value. If PadChar is an empty string, a space character is used. If PadRight is not empty, the left-most character of the string is used.

The FieldSpecs parameter is a string that specifies how the exported data is to be mapped to the text file line. It is of the format:
Each column element indicates what column on the worksheet the data is to come from. This can be either the column number or the column letter. The length element indicates how many characters to take from the column field. For example,


specifies that four fields are to be extracted. The first is column 1 for a length of 10. The second is column 15 for a length of 6, the third is column C for a length of 10, and finally column D for a length of 15. If the length parameter is greater than the length of the data in the worksheet, it is padded in accordance with PadChar and PadRight. If the length element is less than the length of the data on the worksheet, the data is truncated on the right to fit the pattern. The field specification can be in any order and they may overlap.

For each line exported, the code calls a Privatefunction named ExportThisRow. This function is passed the text that is ready to be written to the text file. The function should return True if the line is to be written to the text file, or False if the data is to be discarded and not written to the text file.

The function returns the number of rows exported, or -1 if an error occurred.

download You can download the file with all the example code on this page.

The Code

    Function ExportFixedWidth(FileName As String, _
            DataRange As Range, _
            Append As Boolean, _
            SkipEmptyRows As Boolean, _
            PadRight As Boolean, _
            ByVal PadChar As String, _
            ByVal FieldSpecs As String) As Long
' ExportFixedWidth
' By Chip Pearson,,
' Date: 30-August-2011
' This procedure allows you to export data in a worksheet to a fixed field width
' text file.
' FileName is the file to which the exported data will be written.
' DataRange is the range of data on the worksheet to be exported. DataRange
' must have only one Area. Multiple Area ranges are not supported.
' Append indicates whether data is to be appended to FileName. If Append
' is True, the existing content of FileName is preserved and new data is
' written to the end of the file. If Append is False, the existing content
' of FileName is destroyed and FileName is opened as a new file.
' SkipEmptyRows indicates what to do with empty rows in the DataRange.
' If SkipEmptyRows is True, no ouput is generated for that row. If
' SkipEmptyRows is False and the row on the worksheet is empty, a blank
' line is written to FileName.
' PadRight indicates how to pad fields in which the length of the text
' in the worksheet cell is shorter than the specified field width. If
' PadRight is True, the text is padded on the right with PadChar,
' left-justifying the text in the field. If PadRight is False, the
' string is padded on the left, right-justifying the text in the field.
' PadChar is the character to be used when padding a value on the worksheet
' that is shorter than the specified field width. If PadChar is vbNullString,
' a space is used. If PadChar is longer than 1 character, the first character
' is used and the rest of PadChar is ignored.
' FieldSpecs is a string that specifies the columns to export and the field
' length for each column. The FieldSpecs string is of the form:
'       column,length|column,length|column,length...
' Each 'column' value identifies the column for the exported field The
' column value may be either a column number or column letter. Each 'length'
' indicates the exported field length for the corresponding column. The pipe
' character delimits each field specification. For example,
'       A,10|B,4|4,6
' specifies that column A is to be exported with a length of 10, column B
' is exported with a length of 4, and column D is exported with a length
' of 6.
' The procedure will call the function ExportThisRow for each row being
' exported. If ExportThisRow returns True, the row is exported. If ExportThisRow
' is False, the row is not executed.
' This procedure returns the number of exported rows if successful, or -1 if
' an error occurred.

    Dim R As Range
    Dim FNum As Integer
    Dim FInfos() As String
    Dim FF() As String
    Dim FInfo As String
    Dim FLen As Long
    Dim SpecLen As Long
    Dim T As String
    Dim RecCount As Long
    Dim OutString As String
    Dim N As Long
    Dim FNdx As Long
    Dim Col As Variant
    Dim C As Long
    Dim RW As Long
    Dim FoundData As Boolean

    If Len(FileName) = 0 Then
        ExportFixedWidth = -1
        Exit Function
    End If
    If DataRange Is Nothing Then
        ExportFixedWidth = -1
        Exit Function
    End If
    If Len(PadChar) = 0 Then
        PadChar = Space(1)
        PadChar = Left(PadChar, 1)
    End If
    If Len(FieldSpecs) = 0 Then
        ExportFixedWidth = -1
        Exit Function
    End If

    If DataRange.Areas.Count > 1 Then
        ExportFixedWidth = -1
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' get rid of any spaces in FieldSpecs
    FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, Space(1), vbNullString)
    ' get rid of double || characters
    N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, "||", vbBinaryCompare)
    Do Until N = 0
        FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, "||", "|")
        N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, "||", vbBinaryCompare)
    ' get rid of double commas
    N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, ",,", vbBinaryCompare)
    Do Until N = 0
        FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, ",,", ",")
        N = InStr(1, FieldSpecs, ",,", vbBinaryCompare)
    ' remove leading and trailing pipes
    If Left(FieldSpecs, 1) = "|" Then
        FieldSpecs = Mid(FieldSpecs, 2)
    End If
    If Right(FieldSpecs, 1) = "|" Then
        FieldSpecs = Left(FieldSpecs, Len(FieldSpecs) - 1)
    End If
    ' remove any quotes and apostrophes
    FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, Chr(34), vbNullString)
    FieldSpecs = Replace(FieldSpecs, "'", vbNullString)
    FNum = FreeFile
    If Append = True Then
        Open FileName For Append Access Write As #FNum
        Open FileName For Output Access Write As #FNum
    End If

    Set R = DataRange(1, 1)

    FInfos = Split(FieldSpecs, "|")
        If R.Row > DataRange(DataRange.Cells.Count).Row Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        OutString = vbNullString
        If ExportThisRow(R.EntireRow.Cells(1, "A")) = True Then
            N = 0
            FoundData = False
            RW = R.Row
            For C = DataRange(1, 1).Column To DataRange(DataRange.Cells.Count).Column
                If Len(R.EntireRow.Cells(1, C).Formula) > 0 Then
                    FoundData = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next C
            If SkipEmptyRows = False Or FoundData = True Then
                For FNdx = LBound(FInfos) To UBound(FInfos)
                    FInfo = FInfos(FNdx)
                    FF = Split(FInfo, ",")
                    SpecLen = CLng(FF(1))
                    Col = FF(0)
                    If IsNumeric(Col) Then
                        Col = CLng(FF(0))
                        Col = CStr(FF(0))
                    End If
                    T = R.EntireRow.Cells(1, Col).Text
                    FLen = Len(T)
                    If FLen < SpecLen Then
                        If PadRight Then
                            T = T & String(Abs(SpecLen - FLen), PadChar)
                            T = String(Abs(SpecLen - FLen), PadChar) & T
                        End If
                        T = Left(T, SpecLen)
                    End If
                    OutString = OutString & T
                Next FNdx
                Print #FNum, OutString
                RecCount = RecCount + 1
            End If
            If R.Row > DataRange(DataRange.Cells.Count).Row Then
                Exit Do
            End If
        End If
        Set R = R(2, 1)

    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        ExportFixedWidth = RecCount
        ExportFixedWidth = -1
    End If
    Close #FNum

    End Function

        Private Function ExportThisRow(R As Range) As Boolean
        ExportThisRow = True
    End Function
LastUpdate This page last updated: 2-Sept-2011.
