Unselecting A Cell Or Area
This page describes that you can use to remove the active cell or the active
area from the selection.

By using the SHIFT and/or the CTRL keys you can
select non-contiguous ranges. However, if you select a cell or area by mistake, there is no built in way
to remove that from the selection without losing the entire selection and having to start over. This page
describes to VBA procedures, UnSelectActiveCell and
UnSelectCurrentArea that will remove the Active Cell or the Area containing the
Active Cell from the current selection. All other cells in the Selection will remain selected.
This procedure will remove the Active Cell from the Selection.
Sub UnSelectActiveCell()
Dim R As Range
Dim RR As Range
For Each R In Selection.Cells
If StrComp(R.Address, ActiveCell.Address, vbBinaryCompare) <> 0 Then
If RR Is Nothing Then
Set RR = R
Set RR = Application.Union(RR, R)
End If
End If
Next R
If Not RR Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
This procedure will remove the Area containing the Active Cell from the Selection.
Sub UnSelectCurrentArea()
Dim Area As Range
Dim RR As Range
For Each Area In Selection.Areas
If Application.Intersect(Area, ActiveCell) Is Nothing Then
If RR Is Nothing Then
Set RR = Area
Set RR = Application.Union(RR, Area)
End If
End If
Next Area
If Not RR Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
This page last updated: 27-October-2008