Returning Errors From User Defined Functions In VBA
This page describes how to return errors from VBA User Defined Functions.
If you use VBA or another COM language to create User Defined Functions (functions that
are called directly from worksheet cells) in a module or add-in, you likely will need to return an error value
under some circumstances. For example, if a function requires a positive number as a parameter
and the user passes in a negative number, you should return a #VALUE error.
You might be tempted to return a text string that looks like an error value, but this is
not a good idea. Excel will not recognize the text string, for example #VALUE, as
a real error, so many functions and formulas may misbehave, especially ISERROR, ISERR,
and IFERROR, and ISNA. These functions require a
real error value.
VBA provides a function called CVErr that takes a numeric input parameter specifying the
error and returns a real error value that Excel will recognize as an error. The values of the input parameter
to CVErr are in the XLCVError Enum and are as follows:
- xlErrDiv0 (= 2007) returns a #DIV/0! error.
- xlErrNA (= 2042) returns a #N/A error.
- xlErrName (= 2029) returns a #NAME? error.
- xlErrNull (= 2000) returns a #NULL! error.
- xlErrNum (= 2036) returns a #NUM! error.
- xlErrRef (= 2023) returns a #REF! error.
- xlErrValue (= 2015) returns a #VALUE! error.
The only legal values of the input parameter to CVErr function are those
listed above. Any other value causes CVErr to return a #VALUE. This
means, unfortunately, that you cannot create your own custom error values. In order to return an error value, the
function's return data type must be a Variant. If the return type is any other data type, the
CVErr function will terminate VBA execution and Excel will report a #VALUE
error in the cell.
Note that these errors are meaningful only to Excel and have nothing at all to do with the Err object
used to work with runtime errors in VBA code.
The following is a example using CVErr.
Function Test(D As Double) As Variant
If D < 0 Then
Test = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Test = D * 10
End If
End Function
This function will return a #VALUE! error if the input
parameter is less than 0. Note that the return type of the function is Variant.
You can also use CVErr to test whether a cell has a specific error value in it. However, you must first test
whether the cell contains any sort of error, and then, if it does contain an error, test which type of error. For example,
Dim R As Range
Set R = Range("A1")
If IsError(R.Value) = True Then
If R.Value = CVErr(xlErrValue) Then
Debug.Print "#VALUE error"
Debug.Print "Some other error"
End If
End If
If you attempt to compare a cell's value to a value produced by CVErr, and the cell does not contain
an error value, you will get a run-time error 13, Type Mismatch. For example, the following code will fail if A1
does not contain an error value.
Dim R As Range
Set R = Range("A1")
If R.Value = CVErr(xlErrValue) Then
Debug.Print "#VALUE error"
End If
You can use CVErr in a Select Case statement to test
the various error types. For example,
Dim R As Range
Set R = Range("A1")
If IsError(R.Value) = True Then
Select Case R.Value
Case CVErr(xlErrValue)
Debug.Print "#VALUE error"
Case CVErr(xlErrDiv0)
Debug.Print "#DIV/0 error"
Case CVErr(xlErrName)
Debug.Print "#NAME? error"
Case Else
Debug.Print "Some other error"
End Select
End If
This page last updated: 31-March-2011. |