Ordinal Suffixes In Excel
This page describes how to add an ordinal suffix to a number.
An ordinal suffix is the suffix appended to a number to indicate
its position in the series of integers. For example, the text 5th is the
number 5 plus the ordinal suffix th. You can apply ordinal suffixes
either by formula or code. It is important to note that a number with a ordinal
suffix ceases to be a number and becomes text, and therefore you cannot use it
in numerical calculations. If you must use these in calculations, you can get the
number without the suffix with the formula:
The following formula appends the ordinal suffix to the value in cell A1:
Note that while the formula appears on two lines here, it is really a single line formula. The formula
works with any integer, including negative integers. In the formula above, if A1 contains
23, the result is the text 23rd.
You can also use a VBA function to get the ordinal suffix. The following VBA function returns the suffix that can
then be appended to a number to get an ordinal number.
Function OrdinalSuffix(ByVal Num As Long) As String
Dim N As Long
Const cSfx = "stndrdthththththth"
N = Num Mod 100
If ((Abs(N) >= 10) And (Abs(N) <= 19)) _
Or ((Abs(N) Mod 10) = 0) Then
OrdinalSuffix = "th"
OrdinalSuffix = Mid(cSfx, _
((Abs(N) Mod 10) * 2) - 1, 2)
End If
End Function
The result is just the ordinal suffix, and does not include the original number in the result. You can append the
suffix to your number, as shown below.
Dim N As Long
Dim Suffix As String
Dim Result As String
N = 123
Suffix = OrdinalSuffix(N)
Result = Format(N, "#,##0") & Suffix
Debug.Print Result
This page last updated: 16-Sept-2012. |