ThreeWave ListBox Utilities

This page describes code for manipulating list boxes.


The ListBox control is one of the most commonly used controls when developing userforms for your application. Unfortunately, the listbox itself provides only minimal support for working with and manipulating the contents of the list. This page describes a number of VBA procedures you can use to provide more functionality for your users.

All of the procedures described on this page reside in a single module named modListBoxUtils which you can download here. The various procedures call one another, so you need to import the entire module to your project rather than just copying and pasting individual procedures. You can download a demonstration workbook here.


The Procedures In modListBoxUtils

The following section lists and describes the methods available in the modListBoxUtils module. Additional documentation can be found in the code module.

Public Function LBXSelectCount(LBX As MSForms.ListBox) As Long
This function returns the number of items that are selected in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Function LBXSelectedIndexes(LBX As MSForms.ListBox) As Long()
This returns an array of Long values each of which is the index of a selected item in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Sub LBXSwapItems(LBX As MSForms.ListBox, N1 As Long, N2 As Long)
This swaps the items in positions N1 and N2 in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Sub LBXInvertSelection(LBX As MSForms.ListBox)
This inverts the selections in the listbox referenced by LBX. Items that are selected are unselected, and unselected items are selected.

Public Sub LBXMoveToTop(LBX As MSForms.ListBox)
This moves the selected item to the top of the list in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Sub LBXMoveUp(LBX As MSForms.ListBox)
This moves the selected item up one row in the list in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Sub LBXMoveDown(LBX As MSForms.ListBox)
This moves the selected item down one row in the list in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Sub LBXMoveToEnd(LBX As MSForms.ListBox)
This moves the selected item to the end of the list in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Sub LBXSort(LBX As MSForms.ListBox, Optional FirstIndex As Long = -1, _
Optional LastIndex As Long = -1, Optional Descending As Boolean = False, _
Optional SelectedItemsOnly As Boolean = False)

This sorts the items in the list of the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Sub LBXSelectionInfo(LBX As MSForms.ListBox, ByRef SelectedCount As Long, _
ByRef FirstSelectedItemIndex As Long, ByRef LastSelectedItemIndex As Long)

This provides information about the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Function LBXSelectedItems(LBX As MSForms.ListBox) As String()
This returns an array of strings, each of which is a selected item in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Sub LBXUnSelectAllItems(LBX As MSForms.ListBox)
This unselects all items in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Sub LBXSelectAllItems(LBX As MSForms.ListBox)
This selects all items in the listbox referenced by LBX.

Public Function LBXIsSelectionContiguous(LBX As MSForms.ListBox) As Boolean
This returns True or False indicating whether the selected items in the listbox are contiguous.

download You can download the bas module file with all the code described on this page.
download You can download an example workbook with all the code described on this page.
LastUpdate This page last updated: 28-Oct-2008.
