Pearson Software Consulting Services

    Wait For File Close

         If you are working in a networked environment, you may need to open and modify data in another workbook. If that workbook is open by another user,  you will be to open it, but only in read-only mode. You won't be able to update the workbook. This page describes code that you can use to pause your process to wait for an open file to be closed. (Note: This does not apply to Shared workbooks.)

The WaitForFileClose function operates with a loop, periodically testing to determine if the specified file still open. This test interval is specified in the TestIntervalMilliseconds parameter to the function. If the file remains open after a specified time out value, the function will return False, indicating that the file remained open and the time out interval was exceeded. This time out interval is specified in the TimeOutMilliseconds parameter to the function. If the file is closed before the time out value expires, the function will return True. If the user presses CTRL+BREAK, the function will terminate with a result of False. The function declaration is as follows:

    Public Function WaitForFileClose(FileName As String, TestIntervalMilliseconds As Long, _
        TimeOutMilliseconds As Long) As Boolean


FileName is the name of the file to test This should be a fully qualified file name, containing the complete drive and path name. If the file specified by FileName does not exist, the function return True. FileName may be a local file name (e.g., "C:\Test\Book1.xls"), a file on a mapped drive (e.g., "P:\Test\Book1.xls") or a network name (e.g., "\\server\share\Test\Book1.xls"),

TestIntervalMilliseconds indicates how often the procedure should test the open state of the file named in FileName. A typical value for this is 500, every 1/2 second. If this value is less than or equal to 0, a default value of 500 is used,

TimeOutMilliseconds indicates the number of millisecond the function should wait before aborting the wait operation. If the file remains open after TimeOutMilliseconds has elapsed, the function return False. If this value is less than or equal to 0, the function will wait forever for the file to be closed. The user can break out of this wait loop with CTRL+BREAK. In this case, the function returns False.

The function will return True if the file is closed before TimeOutMilliseconds has elapsed.  This procedure may be used with any type of file. There is nothing specific to Excel in the code.

You call the function with code like

    Dim FName As String
    Dim IsClosed  As Boolean
    FName = "\\DellLapTop\MainDrive\Book1.xls"
    IsClosed = WaitForFileClose(FileName:=FName, _
                TestIntervalMilliseconds:=500, TimeOutMilliseconds:=10000)
    If IsClosed = True Then
        ' The file was closed before
        ' the time out expired.
        Workbooks.Open FName
        ' The procedure timed out.
        MsgBox "TimeOut. File is still open."
    End If

The complete VBA module code is shown below and is available as a download module file here.

Option Explicit
' modWaitForFileClose
' By Chip Pearson,
' This module contains the WaitForFileClose and IsFileOpen functions.
' See for more documentation.

' Windows API Declares
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Public Function WaitForFileClose(FileName As String, ByVal TestIntervalMilliseconds As Long, _
    ByVal TimeOutMilliseconds As Long) As Boolean
' WaitForFileClose
' This function tests to see if a specified file is open. If the file is not
' open, it returns a value of True and exists immediately. If FileName is
' open, the code goes into a wait loop, testing whether the is still open
' every TestIntervalMilliSeconds. If the is closed while the function is
' waiting, the function exists with a result of True. If TimeOutMilliSeconds
' is reached and file remains open, the function exits with a result of
' False. The function will return True is FileName does not exist.
' If TimeOutMilliSeconds is reached and the file remains open, the function
' returns False.
' If FileName refers to a workbook that is open Shared, the function returns
' True and exits immediately.
' This function requires the IsFileOpen function and the Sleep and GetTickCount
' API functions.

Dim StartTickCount As Long
Dim EndTickCount As Long
Dim TickCountNow As Long
Dim FileIsOpen As Boolean
Dim Done As Boolean
Dim CancelKeyState As Long

' Before we do anything, first test if the file
' is open. If it is not, get out immediately.
FileIsOpen = IsFileOpen(FileName:=FileName)
If FileIsOpen = False Then
    WaitForFileClose = True
    Exit Function
End If

' If TestIntervalMilliseconds <= 0, use a default value of 500.
If TestIntervalMilliseconds <= 0 Then
    TestIntervalMilliseconds = 500
End If

' Here, we save the state of EnableCancelKey, and set it to
' xlErrorHandler. This will cause an error 18 to raised if the
' user press CTLR+BREAK. In this case, we'll abort the wait
' procedure and return False.
CancelKeyState = Application.EnableCancelKey
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

' Get the current tick count.
StartTickCount = GetTickCount()
If TimeOutMilliseconds <= 0 Then
    ' If TimeOutMilliSeconds is negative,
    ' we'll wait forever.
    EndTickCount = -1
    ' If TimeOutMilliseconds > 0, get the
    ' tick count value at which we will
    ' give up on the wait and return
    ' false.
    EndTickCount = StartTickCount + TimeOutMilliseconds
End If

Done = False
Do Until Done
    ' Test if the file is open. If it is closed,
    ' exit with a result of True.
    If IsFileOpen(FileName:=FileName) = False Then
        WaitForFileClose = True
        Application.EnableCancelKey = CancelKeyState
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Go to sleep for TestIntervalMilliSeconds
    ' milliseconds.
    Sleep dwMilliseconds:=TestIntervalMilliseconds
    TickCountNow = GetTickCount()
    If EndTickCount > 0 Then
        ' If EndTickCount > 0, a specified timeout
        ' value was provided. Test if we have
        ' exceeded the time. Do one last test for
        ' FileOpen, and exit.
        If TickCountNow >= EndTickCount Then
            WaitForFileClose = Not (IsFileOpen(FileName))
            Application.EnableCancelKey = CancelKeyState
            Exit Function
            ' TickCountNow is less than EndTickCount,
            ' so continue to wait.
        End If
        ' EndTickCount < 0, meaning wait
        ' forever. Test if the file
        ' is open. If the file is not
        ' open, exit with a TRUE result.
        If IsFileOpen(FileName:=FileName) = False Then
            WaitForFileClose = True
            Application.EnableCancelKey = CancelKeyState
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If

' The following Exit Function line will never be
' executed, but it included for logical consistency.
' The return code is set and the function is 
' terminated within the Loop above.  
Exit Function

' This is the error handler block.
' For any error, return False.
Application.EnableCancelKey = CancelKeyState
WaitForFileClose = False

End Function

Private Function IsFileOpen(FileName As String) As Boolean
' IsFileOpen
' By Chip Pearson
' This function determines whether a file is open by any program. Returns TRUE or FALSE
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim ErrNum As Integer

On Error Resume Next   ' Turn error checking off.

' If we were passed in an empty string,
' there is no file to test so return FALSE.
If FileName = vbNullString Then
    IsFileOpen = False
    Exit Function
End If

' If the file doesn't exist,
' it isn't open so get out now.
If Dir(FileName) = vbNullString Then
    IsFileOpen = False
    Exit Function
End If
' Get a free file number.
FileNum = FreeFile()
' Attempt to open the file
' and lock it.
Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #FileNum
' Save the error number that occurred.
ErrNum = Err.Number
On Error GoTo 0        ' Turn error checking back on.
Close #FileNum       ' Close the file.
' Check to see which error occurred.
Select Case ErrNum
    Case 0
    ' No error occurred.
    ' File is NOT already open by another user.
        IsFileOpen = False

    Case 70
    ' Error number for "Permission Denied."
    ' File is already opened by another user.
        IsFileOpen = True

    ' Another error occurred. Assume the file
    ' cannot be accessed.
    Case Else
        IsFileOpen = True
End Select

End Function




Created By Chip Pearson and Pearson Software Consulting, LLC 
This Page:                Updated: November 06, 2013     
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