Returning Arrays From VBA User Defined Functions
This page describes returning arrays as the result of VBA User Defined Functions.
If you often write your own User Defined Functions (UDFs) in VBA or in a COM or Automation Add-Ins (click
here for information about writing your own functions in VBA; click
here for information about writing COM Add-Ins, or click
here for information about writing Automation Add-Ins), you have likely needed to or
at least found it useful to return an array as the result of your VBA function. This allows the user to array enter
your function (click here for information about array formulas) into a range of cells
on the worksheet to display the contents of the array that is returned by your UDF.
This page looks at a few issue that might arise when you are returning arrays from UDFs.

At its simplest, the size of the returned array can be mandated by the function and require that the user use an array that size
in order to get all the results. The Excel function LINEST function works this way. You must
array-enter that function into a range of cells that is 5 rows tall and 2 columns wide. If you enter it into a larger range,
Excel fills out the unused elements of the range with #N/A errors. If you enter it into a smaller
range, you will not get all the values created by LINEST.
To mandate the size of the returned array, simply declare the array to that size and setting the result of the function to that
array. For example,
Function Test() As Variant
Dim V() As Variant
Dim N As Long
Dim R As Long
Dim C As Long
ReDim V(1 To 3, 1 To 4)
For R = 1 To 3
For C = 1 To 4
N = N + 1
V(R, C) = N
Next C
Next R
Test = V
End Function
This function simply returns an array with 3 rows and 4 columns that contains the integers from 1 to 12.
Returning such a fixed-size array can be useful if the number of results does not vary with the number and/or values of the
inputs to the function. However, this is usually not the case.
In the majority of circumstances, if your UDF is going to return an array, that array will vary in size and the size will depend
on any one or more of three things: the size of the range into which the UDF was entered, the number of elements passed into
the function, and, of course, the nature and function of the UDF itself. The Application.Caller object,
when used in a UDF called from a worksheet range, is a Range reference to the range from which your UDF was called.
CAUTION: Application.Caller will be a Range object only when the function in which it appears
was called from a worksheet cell. If the function was called from another VB procedure, Application.Caller
will be an Error-type Variant and most any attempt to use it will result in a Type Mismatch (13) error. If the code containing
Application.Caller was called via the OnAction property of a Shape object on
a worksheet, Application.Caller will be a String containing the name of the sheet. Therefore, if your
function might be called from another VB procedure rather than only from a worksheet cell, you should test
Application.Caller with the IsObject function to ensure that it is indeed
an object before attempting to access any of its properties.
CAUTION: In Excel 2003, a new object, Application.ThisCell, was introduced. It is similar in nature to
Application.Caller, but differs when a UDF is array entered into a range of more than one cell.
Application.Caller will return the a Range reference to the entire range in which the UDF was array-entered.
Application.ThisCell returns a reference to the first (upper left) cell in the range from which the UDF
was called. Frankly, I'm not sure why Application.ThisCell was introduced in the first place.
In the example code on this page, we will not test Application.Caller with IsObject.
For simplicity and brevity, we will assume that the function is being called from a worksheet.
Using Application.Caller, you can determine the number of rows and columns from which the function
was called. For example,
Function Test()
Dim CallerRows As Long
Dim CallerCols As Long
With Application.Caller
CallerRows = .Rows.Count
CallerCols = .Columns.Count
End With
Test = CallerRows * CallerCols
End Function
In this code, the variables
CallerRows and
CallerCols get the number of rows
and columns in the range from which the function was called. If you want to return an array the same size as the range from
which the function was called, you can use code like the following:
Function Test() As Variant
Dim CallerRows As Long
Dim CallerCols As Long
Dim CallerAddr As String
Dim Result() As Long
Dim N As Long
Dim RowNdx As Long
Dim ColNdx As Long
With Application.Caller
CallerRows = .Rows.Count
CallerCols = .Columns.Count
End With
ReDim Result(1 To CallerRows, 1 To CallerCols)
For RowNdx = 1 To CallerRows
For ColNdx = 1 To CallerCols
N = N + 1
Result(RowNdx, ColNdx) = N
Next ColNdx
Next RowNdx
Test = Result
End Function
This function returns an array with the same dimensions as the range from which the function was called, and simply fills those
elements with the first Rows*Columns integers.
You can, of course, ignore the size of the range from which the function was called and return an array with the dimensions
required by your function's purpose. In this case, if the function is entered into a range smaller than the result array of
the function, the result array is trunctated on the bottom and on the right to the size of the calling range. If the function
was entered into a range larger than the size of the returned array, Excel fills the unused cells with #N/A
values. This is the normal behavior of Excel's own array functions. For example, if you array enter
=ROW(A1:A3) into cells B1:B5, the result will be
1 2 3 #N/A #N/A. The ROW(A1:A3) returns an array with only three elements,
so Excel fills in the rest of the calling range with #N/A values.

If your UDF creates a 1-dimensional array as its result, it can orient the array as either a row vector or a column vector so that
is will be properly displayed in the worksheet cells without requiring the user to wrap your UDF result in a TRANSPOSE
function. If the function was called from a row vector of cells (e.g., A1:E1), it does not need to
be transposed. If the function was called from a column vector of cells (e.g., A1:A5), the array needs
to be transposed. The code below looks at Application.Caller.Rows.Count and if this is greater than
1, it tranposes the array before returning it to the caller. Note that this should be done only with single-dimensional
arrays and only when the UDF is being called from a worksheet range. Therefore, you should first test
Application.Caller with IsObject and then test
Application.Caller.Rows.Count and Application.Caller.Columns.Count to test
if it is being called from a row or column vector. For example,
Function Test(NN As Long)
Dim Result() As Long
Dim N As Long
ReDim Result(1 To NN)
For N = 1 To NN
Result(N) = N
Next N
If Application.Caller.Rows.Count > 1 Then
Test = Application.Transpose(Result)
Test = Result
End If
End Function
You can, of course, forego this and return the array as-is and leave it up to the user to use the
function to properly orient the array.
This page last updated: 6-Nov-2007