Preventing Problems With Worksheet Renaming
This page describes how to write your code in a manner such that
errors will not arise if a user renames a worksheet.
Once you develop and deploy your Excel-based application, the end users very often
do things that they shouldn't do, despite warnings and documentation to the contrary. One
of these things is renaming a worksheet. Short of protecting the structure of the workbook,
which may prohibit actions that you want to allow to the user, you cannot prevent a user
from changing a worksheet name. This may cause code to throw a run time error or cause the
code's logic to perform in an unexpected manner.
However, there are a few things you can do to make the code work regardless of whether a user
renames a sheet. These measures are not entirely fool-proof. Like most everything else in Excel,
a knowledgable and motiviated user can circumvent any sort of protection you may employ. However,
the methods described here may be "good enough" to prevent an honest user from making an honest
When a user renames a worskheet no event procedure is triggered, so there is no
event to trap the renaming, let alone cancelling the operation. If you have a sheet name
hard coded into your VBA code, the code will fail with an error 9 (subscript out of range) when
it attempts to access the sheet by the original name.
Normally, you access as sheet by its Name property, which is the name that is displayed on the
worksheet tab, e.g., Worksheets("Sheet2"). However, the sheet object
is known to VBA by its CodeName property. If you don't rename a worksheet,
the code name is the same as the sheet name. But when you rename a worksheet, the name changes but the
code name remains unchanged. You can see this in the Project Explorer window in the VBA Editor. In the
Microsoft Excel Objects "folder" for your project in the project window, you will see an object for each worksheet
and one for ThisWorkbook. The first name for each
worksheet, outside the parentheses is sheet code name, and the name, which
appears on the sheet tab in Excel, is the name within parentheses after the code
name. In nearly
all circumstances in VBA, you can use the code name anywhere you would normally use
Worksheet("SheetName"). For example, the following code will cause an error if the user changes the
name of Sheet1 to Sheet One:
Debug.Print Worksheets("Sheet1").Name
This will result in a run time error 9, subscript out of range, since there is no longer an sheet named
Sheet1. But the code name of the sheet isn't changed. It remains as Sheet1. Thus, you can
use code like:
Debug.Print Sheet1.Name
While a Worksheet has a property to get the CodeName property,
the is no such proprety that will give you a Worksheet object from a
CodeName property. However, some simple VBA code can provide this functionality.
Function GetWorksheetFromCodeName(CodeName As String) As Worksheet
Dim WS As Worksheet
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If StrComp(WS.CodeName, CodeName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set GetWorksheetFromCodeName = WS
Exit Function
End If
Next WS
End Function
This procedure takes a string variable containing a
CodeName and returns a
Worksheet object associated with the code name. You can use this procedure
in code like the following:
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = GetWorksheetFromCodeName("Sheet3")
Debug.Print WS.Name
You can also employ defined names to circumvent problems that arise when a sheet is renamed. For example,
you can create a defined name with:
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Summary", _
RefersTo:=Worksheets("SummarySheet").Range("A1"), Visible:=False
This range will remain intact and valid even if the worksheet SummarySheet is renamed. You get the name of the sheet with
code like the following:
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = Application.Names("Summary").RefersToRange.Worksheet
Debug.Print WS.Name
You can wrap this logic into a simple procedure as in the following:
Function GetWorksheetFromName(NameText As String) As Worksheet
With ThisWorkbook
Set GetWorksheetFromName = .Names(NameText).RefersToRange.Worksheet
End With
End Function
You can the call this with code like
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = GetWorksheetFromName("Summary")
Debug.Print WS.Name
where Summary is the defined name.
The variable WS will refer cell on which it was created, even if the name of the worksheet
is changed.

If you are going to use the code name approach described above, you will quickly find that the default code
names make it hard to read code. For example, it isn't clear just what worksheet Sheet1 refers
to. The CodeName property of a Worksheet object is read-only; you
can't simply assign a new value to the CodeName property. However,
you can change the name of the VBComponent of the worksheet. E.g.,
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Sheet1").Name = "SummarySheet"
Now, you can access the sheet via the new code name:
Debug.Print SummarySheet.Name
In this line of code, Sheet1 is the code name of the sheet (regardless of the name of the sheet), and
SummarySheet is the new code name. Of course, once you change the code name of the worksheet, any reference
to the original code name (Sheet1 in example above) will fail. The new
code named assigned to the
VBComponent must begin with a letter and contain up to 31 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed.
You can manually change the CodeName of a worksheet by selecting the appropriate sheet in the VBA Project window and changing the
Name property in the Properties box (press F4 if the Properties window is not visible).
This page last updated: 17-July-2012. |