Parsing Telephone Numbers 

A frequent task many people encounter when working with lists of data in Excel is splitting telephone numbers into the area code, phone number, and extension components. For example, a user may have a list of telephone numbers like "(913) 555-1212 X1122" and need to split them up into 3 or 4 columns containing the area code (913), the prefix (555), the number (1212) and the extension (X1122).   This page describes a VBA procedure for accomplishing this. 

For related procedures for working with complete names (first and last names, middle initials, etc), see the First And Last Names page.

The procedure on this page can accept a telephone number in a variety of formats, as described below.  However, it can only use NANP (USA and Canada) phone numbers, and cannot accept International Dialing Codes.

Number Style Description
5551212 Local telephone number with no area code, and no delimiters
555-1212 Local telephone number with no area code, and dash delimiter
9135551212 Full telephone number without delimiters
913-555-1212 Full telephone number with two dash delimiters
913-5551212 Full telephone number with one dash delimiter
(913)5551212 Full telephone number with area code parentheses, and no dashes
(913)555-1212 Full telephone number with area code parentheses and dash delimiter.


In addition, all of these telephone number types may include an extension number, e.g.,
913-555-1212 X1234, provided that the extension is delimited by a single character, e.g., "X".    Finally, all of these formats may included embedded blanks.  

The ParsePhoneNumbers function will return an array of up to four elements for each telephone number. You can specify what you want returned with the SplitWhat argument to the function.  This argument can be 1, 2, or 3.   The values are described below. Here, the pipe character | indicates different cells.  


Value Elements Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4
1 2 913 555-1212 x1234    
2 3 913 555-1212 x1234  
3 4 913 555 1212 x1234
This procedure accepts a full telephone, as described above, and returns an array of up to  four elements -- the Area Code, the Prefix, the Number, and the Extension.  Therefore, you will need to enter this as an Array Formula.  Suppose you want the four parts of the full telephone number  in
A2 to be returned to B2:E2.  First, select cells B2:E2, enter =ParsePhoneNumbers(A2) and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter rather than just Enter.


If your full telephone numbers contain extensions, you must include the ExtDelim argument.  This should be a 1 character string which indicates what character is used to indicate the extension number in the full phone number.  For example, if your telephone numbers are stored as "(913) 555-1212 X1122" , you would use "X" as the ExtDelim argument. 

Below is the code for the  ParsePhoneNumbers function.  You must also include the NoSpaceString function, below, since this is used by the ParsePhoneNumbers function. 


Function ParsePhoneNumbers(FullNum As String, _
    SplitWhat As Integer, _ 
    Optional ExtDelim) As Variant

Dim PhoneNum As String
Dim AreaCode As String
Dim Prefix As String
Dim Num As String
Dim Ext As String
Dim Pos As Integer

Const cSplitAcOnly = 1 ' aaa | ppp-nnnnXeeee
Const cSplitAcNumber = 2 ' aaa | ppp-nnnn | Xeeee
Const cSplitAll = 3 ' aaa | ppp | nnnn | Xeeee

PhoneNum = NoSpaceString(FullNum)

If Not IsMissing(ExtDelim) Then
    If Len(ExtDelim) > 0 Then
        Pos = InStr(1, UCase(PhoneNum), UCase(ExtDelim),  _ 
        If Pos Then
            Ext = Right(PhoneNum, Len(PhoneNum) - Pos + 1)
            PhoneNum = Left(PhoneNum, Pos - 1)
        End If
    End If
End If

Select Case Len(PhoneNum)
    Case 7, 8 
        AreaCode = ""
        Prefix = Left(PhoneNum, 3)
        Num = Right(PhoneNum, 4)

    Case 10 
        AreaCode = Left(PhoneNum, 3)
        Prefix = Mid(PhoneNum, 4, 3)
        Num = Right(PhoneNum, 4)

    Case 11 
        AreaCode = Left(PhoneNum, 3)
        Prefix = Mid(PhoneNum, 5, 3)
        Num = Right(PhoneNum, 4)

    Case 12 
        If Left(PhoneNum, 1) = "(" Then
            AreaCode = Mid(PhoneNum, 2, 3)
            Prefix = Mid(PhoneNum, 6, 3)
            Num = Right(PhoneNum, 4)
            AreaCode = Left(PhoneNum, 3)
            Prefix = Mid(PhoneNum, 5, 3)
            Num = Right(PhoneNum, 4)
        End If

    Case 13 
        AreaCode = Mid(PhoneNum, 2, 3)
        Prefix = Mid(PhoneNum, 6, 3)
        Num = Right(PhoneNum, 4)
    Case Else
        SplitWhat = -1

End Select

Select Case SplitWhat
    Case cSplitAcOnly
        ParsePhoneNumbers = _ 
            Array(AreaCode, Prefix & "-" & Num & " " & Ext, "", "")

    Case cSplitAcNumber
        ParsePhoneNumbers = _ 
            Array(AreaCode, Prefix & "-" & Num, Ext, "")

    Case cSplitAll
        ParsePhoneNumbers = Array(AreaCode, Prefix, Num, Ext)
    Case Else
        ParsePhoneNumbers = _ 
            Array(CVErr(xlErrValue), CVErr(xlErrValue), _ 
                    CVErr(xlErrValue), CVErr(xlErrValue))

End Select

End Function

Function NoSpaceString(S As String) As String
    NoSpaceString = _ 
        Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(S, " ", "")
End Function

Below are  some tables that illustrates how the function will split apart telephone numbers.  


Since this function returns an array, you can use the INDEX worksheet function to retrieve any part of the function.  For example, the function


will return only the local phone number 555-1212 of the phone number in A1. 

For related procedures for working with complete names (first and last names, middle initials, etc), see the First And Last Names page.