Averaging Non-Zero Values
This page describes how to average a range of numbers, excluding zero values.
There are (at least) three methods of averaging a range of numbers excluding zero values
from the result. In all the examples below, we are averaging the range A1:A10.
If you are familiar with array formulas, you can use a formula like the following:
When entered with CTRL SHIFT ENTER rather than just ENTER,
it will return the average of all non-blank, non-empty values in A1:A10. See
Array Formulas for much more information on array formulas. This formula cannot be used
with 3D sheet references.
In Excel 2007, the AVERAGEIF formula was introduced. This function is not available
in Excel versions 2003 and earlier.
This will average the non-zero values in the range A1:A10. This function cannot be used with
3D sheet references.
In Excel 2007, the AVERAGEIFS formula was introduced. This function is not available
in Excel versions 2003 and earlier.
This formula, as we use it here, is exactly the same as AVERAGEIF. In its full form,
AVERAGEIFS can have multiple selection criteria. Here, we are using only a single
selection criteria:
This will average the non-zero values in A1:A10.
If you need to average values from multiple sheets, you need some VBA code to do it. The code here, AverageNonZero,
has the following declaration.
Public Function AverageNonZero(FirstSheet As String, _
LastSheet As String, _
InDataRange As Range) As Variant
Here, FirstSheet is the name of the first (left-most) sheet to include in the average. LastSheet
is the last (right-most) sheet to include in the average. All sheets between FirstSheet and LastSheet
are included in the average. InDataRange specifies the
range on each sheet that is to be included in the average. It doesn't matter
what sheet this range resides on. The code gets the address of this range and
applies that address to each included sheet.
The function will return a #REF! error if FirstSheet does not exist,
LastSheet does not exist, LastSheet is to the left of FirstSheet
or InDataRange is Nothing. If no non-zero values are found, the function
returns #DIV/0!.
The full code listing for the AverageNonZero is shown below:
Function AverageNonZero(FirstSheet As String, _
LastSheet As String, _
InDataRange As Range) As Variant
Dim WSStart As Long
Dim WSEnd As Long
Dim WSNdx As Long
Dim Addr As String
Dim R As Range
Dim Count As Long
Dim SumValues As Double
Dim SheetDataRange As Range
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
On Error Resume Next
WSStart = .Item(FirstSheet).Index
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
AverageNonZero = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
WSEnd = .Item(LastSheet).Index
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
AverageNonZero = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
If WSStart > WSEnd Then
AverageNonZero = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
If InDataRange Is Nothing Then
AverageNonZero = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
Addr = InDataRange.Address
For WSNdx = WSStart To WSEnd
Set SheetDataRange = .Item(WSNdx).Range(Addr)
For Each R In SheetDataRange.Cells
If Len(R.Value) > 0 Then
If IsNumeric(R.Text) Then
If R.Value <> 0 Then
Count = Count + 1
SumValues = SumValues + R.Value
End If
End If
End If
Next R
Next WSNdx
End With
If Count = 0 Then
AverageNonZero = CVErr(xlErrDiv0)
Exit Function
End If
AverageNonZero = SumValues / Count
End Function
'>>>>>>>>> END CODE
This page last updated: 20-Oct-2012. |