Custom Collection Classes
This page how to create a custom Collection Class.
In intermediate and advanced level programming in VBA, you often use classes to
encapsulate data and the functions that operate on that data. Additionally, you will often
create multiple objects of a single class. To prevent one instance of a class from
being destroyed when you set the object variable to a new instance, you may want to
store those object variables in a Collection object. If your project or module is
entirely private and no one else will be using it, you can safely store the objects
directly in a Collection. However, if you are writing code that will be used by
other projects, either by inclusion or referencing, or if you are writing a component
or add-in in VBA, you probably don't want to expose the Collection to the outside
world. If you do, you have no control over what is added to the Collection and
thus loops through Collection may throw an error due to an unexpected Type stored
in a Collection.
The solution, which provides type safety while still having the indexing and looping
features of a Collection, is to create a custom Collection class that provides type
checking and, perhaps, additional functionality beyond what is possible with a standard
Collection. On this page, we will work with two classes. The first class is named
CFile and represents a single file. The second is named CFiles and
provides a Collection-like object for storing a number of CFile objects. Behind
the scenes, CFiles manages a regular Collection object but restricts the
type of item that can be added to only CFile objects. The CFiles
object also provides additional functions beyond those available from a Collection.

For illustration, we can make the CFile class quite simple. Insert a new
Class Module into your project, and give it the name CFile. If this class needs
to be visible by other projects, change the Instancing property to 2 - PublicNotCreatable.
Paste the following code into the CFile class.
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Private pFullName As String
Private pExists As String
Private pLastModifiedDate As Date
Public Property Get FullName() As String
' read-write
FullName = pFullName
End Property
Public Property Let FullName(value As String)
' read-write
pFullName = value
End Property
Public Property Get Exists() As Boolean
' read-only
Exists = (Dir(pFullName) <> vbNullString)
End Property
Public Property Get LastModifiedDate() As Date
' read-only
If Me.Exists() = True Then
LastModifiedDate = FileDateTime(Me.FullName)
LastModifiedDate = 0
End If
End Property
This defines three simple methods: FullName, Exists, and
LastModifiedDate. The FullName property is read-write and the
other two are read-only. The class CFiles will be written to hold multiple
CFile objects.

To get started, insert a new class module to the project and name that class CFiles. If this class
needs to be visible to other projects, set the Instancing property to 2 - PublicNotCreatable. This class
will provide methods that do the same thing and have the same names as methods of a generic Collection object. The
members of CFiles wrap up the functionality of a Collection object that is declared
Private within the class. The following is the declarations section of the
CFiles class:
Private Coll As Collection
Private CollKeys As Collection
Here, Coll is a Collection object in which we will store multiple CFile
objects. The CollKeys Collection is used to store the keys of the CFile
objects stored in the Coll Collection. We need this second Collection because the Keys of
a Collection are write-only -- there is no way to get a list of existing Keys of a Collection. One of the enhancements provided
by CFiles is the ability to retrieve a list of Keys for the Collection.
Next, we write the Class Initialize and Terminate methods. The
Initialize member initializes the two Collections, and the Terminate
member destroys those Collections:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Coll = New Collection
Set CollKeys = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set Coll = Nothing
Set CollKeys = Nothing
End Sub
Strictly speaking, it is not necessary to set the Collection objects to Nothing in the
Terminate member -- VBA will do this automatically.

There are two ways you can implement an Add method of the CFiles class. This first is to allow the calling code to create
a new object and then pass that to the Add method. The second method is to write the Add
method so that it creates the new object itself. The first method is more common with generic Collection objects. Indeed, there is no way
within the confines of a Collection to create an object with the Add method. For example,
Dim Coll As New Collection
Dim Obj As YourObjectType
Set Obj = New YourObjectType
Coll.Add Obj
However, with many of Excel's built-in collections, such as the Worksheets object, the only way to create an
object is to create it with the collection's Add method. For example,
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = Worksheets.Add()
With a worksheet (as well as other objects), you cannot directly create an instance of the class -- it must be created via the
Add method of the collection.
Neither method is particularly better than the other. Which method to use depends on both personal style and the overall design
of your application. If you choose the second method, in which the Add method creates the object, the
Add method should accept the proper parameters so that it can fully create the new object with the need
for additional code to make the object "complete". For example,
Set MyNewObject = MyCollection.Add(Name:="TheName", Key:="TheKey", SomeValue:=123, AnotherValue:=456)
' rather than
Set MyNewObject = MyCollection.Add()
MyNewObject.Name = "TheName"
MyNewObject.SomeValue = 123
MyNewObject.AnotherValue = 456
This page last updated: 2-May-2008